
Friday 1 March 2013

Street treasure score

It is Friday and it has rained the entire day.  Very wet and rainy and it is council clear up around here so all the great stuff is getting wet and ruined.  I don't like that.
But it was hot for the first half of the week and that is when I scored this beauty!
 I like that it is all wood.  It isn't very old.  Nothing wrong with it except the paint is a bit old and chipped and the handles are horrid.
I think it has potential to be really lovely for my little girls room!
I might make it like this:
From pinterest which would go great with my dottie art!
which is so cute and pink, or
a bit of decoupage love going on, or my favourite:
which I just love, love, love for having orange and aqua together and being fabulous.  All pictures from pinterest.
Hmmm, what will I do?
Have a great weekend!


  1. Heh my post yesterday was about how I just don't have the eye to do things like this, I'm jealous of anyone who can upcycle.

    I like the decoupage, you could use textured fabrics which are great for little fingers.

  2. Oh what a great idea!! I love the polka dot one, changing to drawers to have cutouts for opening makes it look really modern and fun too.

  3. I like the decoupage; so pretty!!
    Thanks for linking to IBOT. Just so you know for next time, can you like a new post only published on the Tuesday? It's kind of the rules :)
