
Sunday 3 March 2013

A Time to Reflect

I know, I know, my husband came up with the title!
My lovely friend Suzy rang me up one night and said 'quick, get round here, there is a fabulous chest of drawers with an amazing free standing mirror with it outside next door, come now!'
I left the chest of drawers but I took the mirror and transformed it into this - Ta da!
I had to get round there fast but Suzy had snaffled the mirror for me just in case it got taken in the 7 minutes it took me to get there.  We joked about how someone only has to say 'old furniture on the street' for me to be round there with the speed of wonder woman.
That jug above is from my lovely friend Carol who moved away and is having a baby tomorrow!  Good luck Carol!
Anyway, when I got the mirror it was brown wood of course.  Quite nice, but just too brown.
 There was hardboard holding the mirror on at the back but it was all thick and fluffy because it had got wet.  Also behind the drawer was hardboard so we replaced these with thin plywood after painting.
 I just painted it white because that is pretty much all we had and also, I love white.  I like most things painted white.  I shabbied it up a little with some sand paper after each coat.
 I kept the old hardware because I rather liked it and thought it suited the piece.
 So that is the story of my lovely mirror which I have put in our guest room.  I think it is really useful and beautiful and I am sure I will keep it for many years to come.  It is amazing what other people throw away isn't it?
Linked to funky junk interiors!


  1. Hi Marianne, Your mirror turned out beautiful. Love the distressed white paint you gave it. I have started a new party called 'Saturday Sparks; and would love to have you join if you get a chance.
    Have a Wonderful Day,
    Pieced Pastimes

  2. A very nice piece, I'm glad it's being used.

    1. Thanks Terry and thanks for your support!
