
Friday 18 October 2013

Canvas Art

Recently it was council clear up which I absolutely love.  In my area it is twice a year and each day for 4 weeks a different road puts all its large items of furniture and rubbish they don't want out on the side of the road and it is collected by the council.  Lots of amazing treasure is thrown away and I always get a few great things.  I got quite a few canvasses this time.  I realised that instead of ever buying new ones I can simply take ones others have discarded and paint them white and they are brand new again.  The first ones I found had some cardboard stuck on them and in this case they need to be covered with something or something stuck on to cover the old adhesive.  This is what they looked like.
The cardboard pictures were stuck on really well.  Then once they were all removed and painted white they looked like this.
I used a pale grey matt paint because that is what I had.  I got several tester pots of pale greys ages ago as they came with some other paint I wanted and I knew they would come in handy. You could see the adhesive and paper stuck to it, so I knew I had to cover these ones.  I decided to find some really lovely wrapping paper and use that.
I found two I loved and one I liked less.  Even though one of the two I love says happy birthday, you can hardly see this, right?
I cut the paper larger than the canvasses so it went right the way around to the other side and could be stuck to the underside.   They were just wide enough to reach.
I stapled the edge of the paper onto the back.  I just used an office stapler because I couldn't find my staple gun.  The wood is very soft so this was no problem.   I could probably have used tape if I hadn't had a stapler.
And here is what they look like on the wall.  I found that two actually fit the space better so I still have the other one left over.  More vibrantly coloured paper would have been nice but I wasn't able to find too many really nice papers.  I will keep looking out for some now.  I actually got these three in the UK and brought them back to Australia recently.  The UK had amazing cards and wrapping papers.
I call this one cake girl
And this is umbrella girl.  So cute!


  1. I love all the fabric décor. The initial is just cute as can be. I'm going to have to do something like this for my daughter.

    1. Thank you! Here is more on the quilted letter. Someone did ask me for a tutorial but I think it would be a massive task to do a tutorial for all the different letters. I would have to work out how to do anything with a void like O!

  2. Very creative - they are really gorgeous fabrics (I think I love the cake girl one the most - so sweet!)
