
Friday 28 June 2013

A Little Progress on Things

It has rained all week long.  I have had to stay in a lot and the children have got stir crazy.  I have made a bit of progress on a couple of craft things.  Firstly the fabric basket for dressing up clothes.
I have quilted it and made it into a ring.  This is my first attempt at quilt as you go and it wasn't a great success so I can improve there.  I am coming to the realisation that I am not great for attention to detail.  Thank goodness because we all need some goals and something to aspire to.  The lining and binding is a very dark navy (almost black) and white stripe and it makes your eyes water.  However, I think it is fun for this project.  I have attempted to stiffen up the structure using cut up strips of plastic milk bottles.  However, I have only got enough so far to do the top half.  It is working ok but I think we need to drink about another 12 to 15 litres of milk before I can finish this.  Looks like we are having a lot of porridge and cheese sauce next week. Once it has clothes in it I am hoping it will keep its shape well.  I think I may need to also reinforce the base with milk bottle strips too,  so maybe we should have lots of custard too.  I will also put handles on it.
I have also been crocheting.  I am working slowly on batman.   Here is what I have so far.
Believe it or not that is his head.
It is going to look like this.
 from here
I need to get better at counting my stitches each row as I am increasing like mad when I am not supposed to.  This is what I mean about attention to detail!  Luckily the boy will love it pretty much whatever it looks like.  Bless him.
We are going away for the weekend to Newcastle to see friends.  Cannot wait to see them.  I think I will take my crochet with me as it is nice and portable.  Have a great weekend!


  1. Wow, the Batman doll is outstanding! Both of your projects are so much fun.

  2. Great progress on your Batman doll--awesome idea!

  3. Cool Batman!

  4. You're making great progress on the dress-up clothes bag. I love the striped fabric you used on the inside. And what a fantastic idea to add plastic from milk jugs to make it stand up! I've never done that before, but I'll remember that for future reference. Oh, and the little batman is so cute. I haven't learned to crochet yet, but I do knit on occasion, and I was once commissioned (by my son) to knit a pug. It was the cutest little thing (you can see it here if you want). My son has outgrown him now, but I'll tuck it away for future grandchildren some day. I'm sure your son will love your homemade batman, and what a sweet mom you are to do that for him. Keep track of those stitches! Have a great day!


    1. I checked out the pug and you really can knit!! Batman is now finished and maybe not quite as good as the pic but on a July post. I will count the stitches better in future! Dress up bag finished too! Thank you so much for your lovely comment and for visiting!

  5. Enjoy your holiday! Can't wait to see Batman finished :)

  6. Love your bag! The fabrics aer so colorful and happy! and your batman is just great!

  7. what a cute little batman it will be! I hear you on the rain, this weather here in Central Florida sucks! I just wanna fish and go to the beach darnnit!

    I am stopping by from the WIP hop, hop on by if you can

    1. Thanks for visiting Tanyia, good to hear from you! I will follow you on bloglovin!

    2. I LOVE that you are a stay at home mum to girls aged 20, 15 and 12! much love xxxxx

  8. Love the fabric basket and can't wait to see that Batman! Thanks for linking up at Give Me the Goods Monday! Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof

  9. Really cute projects! I love that fabric basket! Thank you so much for linking to Needle and Thread Thursday! Stop by and grab a button for your link party page if you get a chance!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

    1. Thanks Kelly, I missed your link up this week! I blinked and it was gone ;) see you next week xxxxx
