
Tuesday 9 April 2013

Granny Squares Pieced

I have pieced the granny squares quilt top, or most of it.  I went out this morning to spotlight and got a fabric for a border and the backing fabric. 
As I was piecing the squares I was thinking that each one I did was nicer than the last one.  Then once I had them all done I looked at them and I didn't really like any of them.   Then once I laid them out together I thought they looked great together.  I think they look better from a distance instead of close up.
I definitely decided I don't have that many scraps!  I was running out of different ones.
I thought about making it much larger but decided against it.  Firstly I think that granny squares look great in quilts of 4 by 5 rows.  Also, I didn't want to make a lot more blocks!  I decided that with a border it would be big enough for a single bed.
I have the blue fabric for the border and the strawberries for the backing.  I will use a blue and white stripe for the binding.  I am going to do rounded corners.  I am also going to hand quilt most of it.  When I first saw a granny square quilt it was a hand quilted one and this is something that drew me to doing it.
This is my favourite block.  It is made from Tanya Whelan hatbox, some children at play by Sarah Jane and rainy days and Mondays and stripes by Riley Blake.


  1. looks wonderful, stopping by from IBOT

  2. Looks good. Looking forward to seeing the finished product. I love the strawberries for the back and to go with the blue. I know nothing about sewing or fabrics but appreciate the work thats going into this. well done you :) found via IBOT

  3. It is my favourite block too../Bambi

  4. I love granny squares. They are always so fun, and a great way to use up scraps. Checking out your blog from Freemotion on the River Linky Tuesday.

  5. I love a good Granny square :) They are so effective. But you're right, if you look at the individual squares to much in isolation, they lose their effect. Definitely best in sets, viewed from a distance. Love your quilt - cant wait to see the finished product!

    Hello from #teamIBOT

  6. Well done !!! I love this - when I was little I used to help my Mom do lots of patchwork things - all sewn by hand !! I did make one patchwork quilt that we use in winter if we are watching TV - I do like looking at it !
    Would love to see the finished quilt - it really is lovely.
    Have the best day !
    #IBOT visitor

  7. What an emotional roller coaster ride this quilt top has put you through! I hope you do hand quilt it. It will look great and you will fall more in love with it as you get closer to the end. I'm sure! PS. I love it!

  8. I think it is lovely. I am not much for scrappy quilts, but I think this is lovely. I also agree that it begs to be hand quilted to get the full affect! Best of luck with that.

  9. I am so drawn to these Granny Squares right now, I am working on a Great Granny, with 5 inch squares.

  10. I love granny squares! Your are beautiful!

  11. Yep! Definitely my favorite block too! But the whole quilt looks wonderful!!

  12. That is such a pretty quilt. I love the way you've put your scraps into the granny square blocks.

  13. Looks beautiful and made me think of raspberries.....until I saw the strawberries! Thanks for sharing.
    Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday

  14. Looks great. I need to pull my blocks out and get them sashed.

  15. Love it! It looks great!
    Here via WIP Wednesday

  16. It's funny how when your quilting fabric changes. Some look nice in small bits, others in big cuts and then you think you hate the whole thing, until you've put it all together.

  17. I love your scrappy quilt top! Everything about it!

  18. I agree that they look better from a far, then close up. As we're sewing we're criticizing everything from only a few inches away, but once the quilt is done, hardly anyone will get closer than a few feet! The finished quilt is going to be very pretty!

  19. Your granny square quilt is looking awesome!

  20. I like your granny squares. They make a lovely quilt!
    Greetings from Austria via WIP Wednesay

  21. They look great! The quilt will be so bright and cheerful.
