
Wednesday 27 March 2013

WIP Wednesday

To say I have been working on this a while would be an understatement.  I don't think it counts as being worked on when it has been left for over a decade (or two).
I don't know exactly when I got this fabric but it was precuts from Laura Ashley.  It was seriously ages ago.  They were hexagons and maybe these were the first ever precuts.  I got strange numbers of the different fabrics and I don't think I could have done anything very regular with them.  I used all of them to make this and then didn't know what to do with it.
Then about a year ago I decided to make a small quilt out of it and bought the red and white stripes and dots and started to do a border.  I only got as far as one of each fabric!
So I plan to finish this sometime.  I wonder what else it could be used for.  What is your longest running project (apart from children)?


  1. Wow - that is a long running WIP. I've been quilting about 8 years and still have some projects from those early days stashed away in a box somewhere.

    I don't know how big your piece is, but I think it'd make a great laptop cover/ pocket!

    Happy Hexing! xx

  2. I was cleaning out some drawers the other day and came across one of my first projects. Seriously, it was the second project I started on after I started quilting- and I hated the colors, so I stuck it in a box! Eeek! It was probably around 2000- so 13 years ago.

  3. My mom started making me a quilt when I was about 12. She made these 5 big horse blocks, we picked out some sashing/backing/etc, and then life happened and the whole thing got shoved in a brown paper bag in a closet or something. After waiting for 10 years I finally finished it myself!

  4. My longest project was about six years. It was a paper-pieced Noah's Ark quilt for my son. I put the back together pretty quickly, then started hand quilting it. I kept leaving it to do other projects until finally one day I told myself I had to finish it before I could start anything else.

  5. I just finished a 7-9 year king size quilt top so I know the feeling of working on something after its been away for a while! Congrats on getting it out again and working on it - those Laura Ashley fabrics are very sweet!

  6. How fun to dig out an old WIP and wonder about its origin and then finish it--great feeling!
