
Friday 15 February 2013

Some Sewing

I have a few outstanding projects of the fabric variety.  This cushion I am working on.  I am a big fan of pinwheels.  I am hand quilting this one.
I love the softness of hand quilting and that it makes a really special gift.  I think I will give this one to my sister when it is finished. 
See that wavy edge on the top?  That is where the border is too long because I didn't measure through the centre.  Instead I just sewed a border on to whatever length it wanted to be and the distortion from the triangles has caused it to be wavy. Always measure through the centre or you will get this phenomenon.
Am I the last person in the world to be starting a granny squares quilt? Everyone fell in love with the one on blue elephant stitches blog last year. Maybe the last to start but maybe I will finish mine quickly.
I will show more pictures as these projects progress.

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